
Advertising & Sponsorship

All six sections of the regular digest feature can be purchased, to get a list of the planned digest categories over the coming months drop us an email at and we’ll give you a full breakdown.

Bespoke issues

We can create and distribute issues dedicated to a specific country, area or agent. This can also be used to promote an event, such as a product/phase launch or your own dedicated exhibition/seminar. Please contact us for details.


Also, there are sponsorship opportunities for the banner adverts at the top and bottom of each edition. Drop us an email for prices. See example of advertising areas at the bottom of the page.

Outside of the monthly digest, there will also be featured properties and regular news articles. If you would like to discuss having your advertising carried in any of these sections, please contact us for information.

We are currently looking for Airline and Accommodation providers with a view to a long-term sponsorship deal.

Advertising on website.


At the moment, the digest’s area of coverage is Ireland. We hope to expand this to include the UK in 2024.